Wednesday, September 14, 2016



Chicken drumsticks- 10pcs
Onions- 2 medium finely chopped
Garlic- 5 cloves finely chopped
Red chili powder- 1 Tspn
Coorg Garam Masala consisting of
a) Coriander Seeds- 3Tspn
b) Black Pepper Corns- 2Tspn
c) Cumin- 1Tspn
d) Mustard Seeds- 1/2Tspn
e) Cinnamon- 1 small stick
f) Cloves- 4pcs

Kachumpuli- 1 or more Tspn ( depends on the sourness)
Salt To taste
Oil -100 ml


Dry Roast the garam masala(a to f) until it turns black in colour and when cool, powder it.
(Do not burn the masala ingredients too much, it will turn bitter)

Marinate the chicken with salt and about 2 to 3 Tspns of Coorg garam masala and set aside for 30 minutes.

Heat oil in a pan and add garlic and onions. When they turn brown, add the remaining Coorg garam masala and the red chili powder.

Now add the marinated chicken pieces and mix well till it blends with onion/garlic and masala.
Add 1 cup of hot water and cover the lid. When it is three fourth done, add kachumpuli and cook till the gravy dries. You may choose to leave a bit of the gravy as per your desire.
Garnish with coriander leaves and serve with some onions and lime.

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