Friday, September 16, 2016


White pomfret (or any other White flesh fish)- 3 palm size pcs
*Corriander leaves- ½ bunch
*Mint leaves- 1/4 cup
*Garlic- 5 flakes
*Green Chilis- 2nos
*Cumin Seeds- ½ Tspn
*Salt-1/2 Tspn
*Onion- ½ small sized finely chopped
Lemon Juice- 2 Tspn for fish marination
Salt- 1/2 tspn for fish marination
Olive Oil- 1 Tbspn

Blend all ingredients listed above with * and make a thick paste by adding ½ cup water in the blender. Call this green masala.
Meanwhile, marinate the fish w/lemon juice and ½ tspn salt for ½ hr.
Now coat the fish w/the prepared green masala.
Pre heat the oven to 350Deg F. Place the fish in the oven and bake for ½ hr( depends how well done you need them).
Ensure you pour a Tbpsn of Olive oil on to the fish prior to baking

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