Saturday, September 17, 2016


Mackerel- 1 Big size slit from the back. Wash well and drain the water.
Save the egg if any to use for stuffing later. Ensure you don’t cut and open the stomach.
Apply little salt, turmeric powder and lemon juice and set aside

Grind the following to make a thick paste and set aside
1/2 Bunch Coriander leaves finely chopped
Green Chili- 4 or more
Cumin- ½ Tspn
Turmeric Powder- ¼ Tspn
Salt- As per your taste
Vinegar- 2 Tspns
Clove- 1 & Cinnamon- a small pc
Water- little if you need it for grinding


In oil, fry the below ingredients till it turns soft

1 ½ big onion finely chopped
4 Garlic cloves finely chopped
1 inch Ginger finely chopped
Curry leaves- 1 sprig
Fish egg if available
3 to 4 Tspns of the above prepared green paste
Ensure this masala is dry

When it is cool, start stuffing the mackerel with the above masala. Now apply the remaining green paste on the mackerel. Let it marinate for some time and shallow fry. You may want to tie with a thread to keep the mackerel stuffing intact.
You may wrap it on a banana leaf while shallow frying

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