Sunday, September 18, 2016


2 cups Urad dal (soaked overnight for the best result)
½ cup cooked left over rice( either boiled or white)
Salt to taste
1/4 Tspn baking soda
Grind all of the above together w/out adding water.
If you find it hard to grind w/out water, you may add 2 to 3 Tspns of water and a bit of Rice powder later to make to a thick consistency.

Once it is grounded, add a small pc of finely chopped ginger, 1 or 2 green chili’s, 1 sprig of curry leaves, abt 1 Tbspn of chopped coriander leaves and 1 Tbspn of coconut grated.
Mix this well and make them into vada shape on your palm. When you make the whole in the centre of the vada, dip your finger in water.
(Ensure you wet your palm too in water when you make them into vada shape, otherwise it will stick on your palm)
About One and half dozen vada’s can be made with the above ingredients.
PS: We have found that adding the cooked left over rice has made the vada’s crispy from outside and softer from inside.

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