Friday, September 16, 2016


Coconut Oil- 2 Tbspn
Mustard seeds- ½ Tspn
Moong Dal- 1 Tspn
Onion -1 small finely sliced
Garlic- 2 cloves chopped
Curry Leaves- 1 Sprig
Red Spinach- 2 bunch
Tomato- 1 small chopped
Salt to taste
Jaggery- 1 small pc ( optional)
Coconut- 2 to 3 Tbpn grated
Sambhar Powder*- 2 Tspn or more

In a vessel, heat oil, add mustard seeds, when crackles add moong dal, followed by onions, garlic and curry leaves.
Now add the spinach, tomato, salt & jaggary. Cover the lid and cook in low fire. If necessary, add little water. When the spinach is almost cooked, add coconut and sambhar powder. Mix well and cook until it is completely done.

Sambhar Powder Recipe link:

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