Friday, September 16, 2016


This snack is widely popular amongst the students of Manipal/M'lore-India. This is sold at the street food carts catering thousands of students who often stay awake in the pretext of late night studying.
Please share this recipe, if you happen to have tried this :)

Egg – 1
Bun- 1
Onion- 1 small very finely chopped
Tomato – 1 small finely chopped
Chili/Turmeric powder & salt- a pinch each
Butter/Oil- 1 Tbspn
Coriander Leaves- a small bunch finely chopped
Milk- 25ml
Green chili- 1 finely chopped

Slightly toast the bun inside/out and set aside
Add oil in a pan, sauté the onions, when they turn translucent, add the green chili, followed by the tomato, add the powders & salt. Add the coriander leaves.
Reduce flame when you add the powders and pour the milk.
Now break the egg with your finger (if you can) into the masala and keep stirring until you get the consistency you want.
Fill in between the sliced bun. Ready to go

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