Friday, September 16, 2016


Clean and rinse the mussels several times and ensure the dirt is removed. Marinate with chili salt paste* and set aside for atleast 2 hrs and later deep fry them.
In a vessel, pour 2 Tbspn of coconut oil, add 1/4 tspn of mustard seeds. When it crackles, add 5 to 6 shallots finely chopped, 4 to 5 garlic flakes, a small pc of ginger & 1 small tomato finely chopped alongwith a sprig of curry leaves.
Add 2 tspn of chili salt paste* to this and a little water(just to make the masala moist). Mix well and add the mussels.
Garnish with onion rings, capsicum ..
*For chili salt paste please refer to album "Homemade Masala"
Above ingredients is good for a dozen mussels

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