Friday, September 16, 2016

Marwai Sukka ( Kube Sukhen) Clams Coconut Dry

Fresh Clams- 150pcs
Oil- 2 Tbspns
Mustard seeds- ½ Tspn
Curry Leaves- 1 Sprig
Onion finely sliced- 1 small
Garlic flakes- 7 to 8
Tomato-1 finely sliced
Salt to taste
Coconut- ½ grated
Vegetable Powder*- 2 to 3 Tspns

In Oil, throw in mustard and let them splutter. Add the curry leaves followed by onions.
Once Onion turns translucent, add the Garlic.
Now add the clams followed by the tomato and Salt. Cook this for 5 mnts. Add the Vegetable powder and mix well
Add the grated coconut and mix well and let it cook for another 3 mnts.
You may add water in intervals when it turns too dry.
Vegetable Recipe link:

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